Rei & Fuko (2006)
Download | [EROBEAT]_Rei_&_Fuko.torrent | Description | Forbidden for under 18!
##Country : Япония
##Year : 2006
##Genre : Анал, Gangbang, Tentacles, Censored
##Епизоди : 4
##Runtime : 25 мин.
##Audio : Японско
##Subtitles : Английски вградени благодарение на EROBEAT
##Synopsis : Year 2054, Tokyo
Kirisawa Rei and Izumi Fuko are the capable special agent, commonly called Mayaku Tokuso, whose task is drug-crime investigation and to take down the drug syndicate in Tokyo.
They were a perfect pair,, getting over numerous bloodbaths together.
One day, they had an information of 12 Angels, a drug syndicate that they had been searching for years, sneaking into the most dangerous city in Tokyo, Sinjyuku, where is rumored that their secret base is located.
But it is a clever trap set by the boss Kiryu for the revenge on them..... |
NFO | View NFO (16.38 KB) |
Type | Hentai |
Last seeder | Last active 1:28:20 |
Size | 1.17 GB (1,259,094,209 bytes) |
Rating | (3.9 from possible 5 with 20 vote(s) total)
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Added | 2012-11-28 03:17:14 |
Info: | Hits: 2944 times | Num files [See full list] | 4 files |
| 0 seeder(s), 1 leecher(s) = 1 peer(s) |
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